Friday, April 17, 2015

Goodbye Friend

I loved my one piece carbon fibre Novorca Greenland paddle.
It seemed a magic paddle which just 'felt right'.

It also had reinforcing rods in it specifically for surf conditions.

The waves in its last surf were only about a metre in height but breaking onto a shallow sandbank.
One  wave resulted in a nose dive, with me doing the usual 'rag doll' under water but my paddle wasn't as flexible and broke!
I never hit anything solid with my paddle then or in the paddle's lifetime.
Sometimes it seems you can get just the right combination of water pressures at a particular point in time and space and things go 'pop'.

The break in the paddle is where the loom meets the blade so I don't think it's repairable.
And it seems Novorca is no longer in business.


I loved my Novorca............goodbye friend.

surfing underwater

surfing half underwater

surfing under a momentary lip

nose dive and heading for a 'rag doll'
after the 'rag doll'